Santa Cruz, Ca
Day 8
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
The day began great with a nice chat with a stranger over coffee. Afterwards, I had some issues with my bike, so decided to hit a few breweries. I had some nice beers, but no meaningful conversations or connections happened the rest of the day. On top of that, no couch surfing hosts came through, I did search for some camping spots, but to no avail. I ended up spending another night in the car.

Pour Taproom
Santa Cruz, Ca
Day 8 – May 30, 2018 ∙ 10:41pm
This soulless cathedral with wall-spouts of poison lies practically deserted, not unlike the streets that led me here. The cheerful bartender on permanent vacation, unneeded, yet desperately missed. I sit alone at a large table meant for a crowd, the only conversation to be had was with myself at the bottom of a pint glass.
Pour Taproom
Santa Cruz, Ca
Day 8 – May 30, 2018 ∙ 10:41pm
This soulless cathedral with wall-spouts of poison lies practically deserted, not unlike the streets that led me here. The cheerful bartender on permanent vacation, unneeded, yet desperately missed. I sit alone at a large table meant for a crowd, the only conversation to be had was with myself at the bottom of a pint glass.
Davenport, Ca
Day 9
Thursday, May 31, 2018
I popped up early from my cubby hole in the back of my car and hit the gym! Last night made me realize how much I am missing my friends, and a soft surface to sleep on. But there is a lot to see and do between Santa Cruz and Berkeley! On my way up, I took some time to check out some of our amazing coastlines. As well as go on an impromptu, epic mountain bike adventure for most of the afternoon. It all worked out perfectly as I rolled into the Bay area right as my friends were heading to the infamous Pub.

Lighthouse Field State Beach
Santa Cruz, Ca
Day 9 – May 31, 2018 ∙ 11:40am
All alone on this beautiful coast. My thoughts roll to the partner not at my side. The freedom on this trip is paradoxical, freeing and imprisoning. I knew this going in and I oscillate between the two. So far, my choices have been whimsical, planning to a minimum, just enjoying the breeziness of living. But it’s times like this, on this beach, that the heaviness catches up. I alone must make every single choice, I have no help, no guidance, no other to bounce ideas off, no other ideas given. And not only that, my collective experiences, these memories, are shared by no one but me. I look forward to a future trip, one that is shared in all the ways.
Lighthouse Field State Beach
Santa Cruz, Ca
Day 9 – May 31, 2018 ∙ 11:40am
All alone on this beautiful coast. My thoughts roll to the partner not at my side. The freedom on this trip is paradoxical, freeing and imprisoning. I knew this going in and I oscillate between the two. So far, my choices have been whimsical, planning to a minimum, just enjoying the breeziness of living. But it’s times like this, on this beach, that the heaviness catches up. I alone must make every single choice, I have no help, no guidance, no other to bounce ideas off, no other ideas given. And not only that, my collective experiences, these memories, are shared by no one but me. I look forward to a future trip, one that is shared in all the ways.
Moraga, Ca
Day 10
Friday, June 1, 2018
I took a day. After nine days on the road, it was nice to be around friends, in a familiar place, and not have to plan out my day. I spent the day reflecting on my trip so far and relaxing at my friend’s beautiful home.

Berkeley, Ca
Day 11
Saturday, June 2, 2018
My friend Scott, a local to these parts, took me out and about to show me some places that he digs. I arrived back at Moraga in late afternoon to meet up with another friend and her kids who utterly schooled me in the art of throwing a frisbee at a chained-up bucket.

Moraga, Ca + Berkeley, Ca
Day 12
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Another relaxing beginning of the day started with taking care of some quails and chickens. I later escaped to do some brewery hopping. There was some margaritas, pizza, rooftop shenanigans, and some sort of basketball game that happened somewhere in there too.

San Francisco, Ca
Day 13
Monday, June 4, 2018
Finally, I felt it was time to tackle the City! I biked on to the ferry, met Scott for lunch, explored, drank, met new friends, and new friends bought me way too many drinks. I somehow found my way back to the mainland and ended my night in a familiar setting, surrounded by some of the greatest people I have ever met. It was a good day.

White Horse Restaurant
San Francisco, Ca
Day 13 – June 4, 2018 ∙ 5:36pm
Met these two lovely humans who just happened to be drinking at 4pm on a Monday at the bar at ThirstyBear. Afterward, they invited me to join them at the White Horse. These connections are what my trip is all about. Many high fives were had. High fives were drinks. I'm not sober now. Thanks Gary and Heather!
White Horse Restaurant
San Francisco, Ca
Day 13 – June 4, 2018 ∙ 5:36pm
Met these two lovely humans who just happened to be drinking at 4pm on a Monday at the bar at ThirstyBear. Afterward, they invited me to join them at the White Horse. These connections are what my trip is all about. Many high fives were had. High fives were drinks. I'm not sober now. Thanks Gary and Heather!
Berkeley Hills, Ca
Day 14
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
I had planned to return to the City today. But I woke to this pup demanding adventures. So, I put off the City to go explore what lurks in the forest that lay yonder in the Berkeley Hills.

Berkeley Hills, Ca
Day 14 – June 5, 2018 ∙ 12:14pm
No human alive could deny these puppy dog eyes.
FUN FACT: Science shows dogs evolved a muscle responsible for raising the inner eyebrow intensely, which casts a magical spell to make the observer’s willpower fall to zero. No saving throws.
Berkeley Hills, Ca
Day 14 – June 5, 2018 ∙ 12:14pm
No human alive could deny these puppy dog eyes.
FUN FACT: Science shows dogs evolved a muscle responsible for raising the inner eyebrow intensely, which casts a magical spell to make the observer’s willpower fall to zero. No saving throws.
Next Week on Dean Runs Away!
Loneliness attacked and beaten! For now. With one successful exploration of The City, will Dean get cocky? What adventures await him in round two? Speaking of adventure, will Dean accidentally knock down a priceless Dinosaur exhibit and become a fugitive from justice?!
Continue the adventure into Week Three to find out!