Soon, I will jump in my car and drive off. Alone. Starting from my home here in Southern California, I will be exploring cities up the west coast, all the way to Canada, peaking at the wondrous city of Banff. I will be coming back down through Montana, Idaho, Utah, and the like. I will be camping, couch surfing, mountain biking, hiking, National Park-ing, sightseeing, visiting friends, and a whole lot more. I have no idea how long I will be gone, as the trip will take as long as it takes.

Part of this trip is to explore this wonderful world we have. I want to experience as much of this fantastic planet as possible! Another big part of it is that I am attempting to couch surf a good bunch of it; I have come to realize through my travels that it is the connections with others that truly matter to me. I love other people; I love different perspectives and introspective conversations. I am rather addicted to them. This is why I couch surf and host couch surfers, I want to know all about you and your stories. Selfishly, I want to learn and grow from you and to share myself, as openly and honestly as I know how to.

I am going to loosely be documenting my travels, but writing about it and taking photos are not the priority, the experiences are.

Proposed route
Brea, Ca

Day 0

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

I sit here at Home. One last night before I leave.

Home. A safe, comfortable space. Can one be too safe? Insulate themselves too much? Unknowingly, suffocating themselves so incredibly slowly, that even the most introspect cannot sense they are in pain, slowly dying?

I wonder. What happens if we burn the home down and embrace the uncomfortable? The unknown? I have lived one extreme for too long, it is time to light the match. Run away. And see how it all gets rebuilt.

Santa Barbara, Ca

Day 1

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

…aaand I am away. First stop Santa Barbara! Spent the day driving and getting to know my first host, Steve!


Santa Barbara, Ca

Day 2

Thursday, May 24, 2018

A day full of wandering the streets of Santa Barbara on foot, ending with a final nightcap at a sleepy bar. Little did I know that last stop would turn my world upside-down.


San Luis Obispo, Ca

Day 3

Friday, May 25, 2018

Slightly hungover and exhausted, the day did not start as planned. My eyes were dry and burned like the fires of hell. Apparently, I did not remove my contacts before plopping into bed. Even worse, in attempting to extract them from behind my eyeballs, I surprisingly managed to scratch my cornea. The pain escalated, doctors were seen, antibiotic drops were applied, and after a drive to a new city, drinks were drunk. It was a day.


San Luis Obispo, Ca

Day 4

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Time to explore some nature! Spent the afternoon mountain biking a gigantic park. Then I grabbed some delicious foods while wandering around downtown. I ended the day with a night of fantastic conversation getting to know my amazing host, Kim!



Morro Bay, CA + Paso Robles, CA

Day 5

Sunday, May 27, 2018

It was a day of two cities. First, I moved on to the foggy coast of Morro Bay, where I aimlessly wandered into some art and science.

Then, I traveled inland to El Paso de Robles or “The Pass of the Oaks.” It was there, in the land famous for its wineries and vineyards, I enjoyed some local beers. Later, I met up with a friend for some fantastic conversation.



Monterey, CA

Day 6

Monday, May 28, 2018

My Paso couch surfing host fell through, so I decided to sleep in the car last night. And after a long drive to Monterey, I was ready to have a nice relaxing day at the beach. And the day delivered.

The weather could not have been better. I wandered the coast, and afterward, I treated myself to some scrumptious sushi. I had lined up a couch surfing host, but they weren’t available until tomorrow night. So, I splurged; I booked an Airbnb. It was a shared home, thus I joined, and got to know, some other beautiful travelers from around the world.



Monterey, CA

Day 7

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A day at the aquarium! I absolutely love the ocean and its bizarre and beautiful creatures. I could have spent all day there, but I was to meet my new host. I found Ernest at his favorite haunt, where I joined him and his friends to play some trivia, drink, and be merry!



Next Week on Dean Runs Away!

He survived a week on the road, but what lies around the corner? Will Dean find more reliable couch surfing hosts? Will he make it to the Bay area before he gets eaten by a pelican? And speaking of birds, why is he squeezing the life out of this baby quail?!?

Continue the adventure into Week Two to find out!

Explore Week Two →