Portland, Or

Day 29

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The week began with work. I really haven’t mentioned that I am still working on this trip. The beautiful thing about freelance designing is that I can be anywhere in the world with an internet connection and get my work done. Sometimes with a friend by my side, sometimes with a cocktail. And sometimes, both.



Portland, Or

Day 30

Thursday, June 21, 2018

It is strange, this connecting with people. When you met as many people as I have with the specific purpose of connection, you begin to notice the gulf between the ease and difficulty of it all. I feel it comes down to expectations, desires, and intentions on both sides. But most importantly, understanding—being able to communicate all of them clearly and well.

On this night, with an interesting and intriguing person sitting across from me, I failed. Whether that was my poor communication or my intentions not aligning with internal desires, or perhaps both, I do not know. I am trying not to beat myself up over it. But it is difficult.



Portland, Or

Day 31

Friday, June 22, 2018

I think a week of imposing on my friend’s couch is long enough. It was a great reprieve from being on the road, and not have to plan every day, to catch my breath as I prepare to move ever northward. After a month of travel, I am beginning to see this trip is either going to be quite a bit longer than envisioned or I am not going to stick exactly to my proposed route. Oh, the beauty of flying by the seat of your pants!



Lacey, Wa

Day 32

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Even as I say goodbye to one, my plan involves greeting another childhood friend who has moved away. There is something about not giving up what made us happy as a child. Nostalgia is a powerful force and adulting is a difficult endeavor. Jeff definitely has retained some of his child-like jubilance and it is on quite the display in his arcade-inspired garage. The night was spent drinking beers from his beer fridge, playing darts, arcade games, reminiscing on being stupidly reckless kids, and catching up on these adult people that we both turned into.



Tumwater, Wa

Day 33

Sunday, June 24, 2018

When I was young, I had a babysitter. It was called Ragging Waters. Ragging Waters was a water theme park in San Dimas and all summer long, my mom would drop me and a friend off there, then pick us up at the end of the day. One of the rides there was the Lazy River. But when you could do things like fall 40 miles per hour down a seven-story slide, floating down a river on a tube at a slow pace was not high on our to-do list. A few decades later, substitute in a real, actual river, some rapids, and beers, it becomes one of the greatest days of my trip thus far. Sorry for the lack of photos, wasn’t really a priority.



Olympia, Wa

Day 34

Monday, June 25, 2018

Exploring my first state capitol, hello Olympia! Unfortunately, a Monday afternoon wasn’t the most hip-hopping of times, i.e. the town was pretty dead. Then, out of nowhere, someone shot me in the back! Well, okay, while it might have felt like that, it seems my back just gave up due to the not-so-light backpack I have been hauling around for over a month. The rest of the day was me finding the tastiest of medications.



Lacey, Wa

Day 35

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

For the first time in 35 days, I did not go anywhere. I am no stranger to injury. So, I knew my back was not going to heal in a day. It needed to rest. Tomorrow, I leave for Astoria, after that, camping in the gigantic Olympic National Park. However, due to my back, I am thinking I might skip the camping and all that biking and hiking. Plus, it is always a good idea to be in peak health when running away from bears.



Next Week on Dean Runs Away!

Even more battered, and kind of broken, Dean managed to take the state capitol and dominate the rivers of Washington! But this next week might be his most precarious yet! Difficult decisions await, as do shipwrecks, underground cities, haunted ponds, and zealous immigration officers! Will Dean be eaten by a very polite Canadian Bear?! Will he be abducted by a 1940-style spaceship!!! Or will he join a group of young misfits and set out on an adventure to find a legendary pirate’s long-lost treasure?!

Continue the adventure into Week Six to find out!

Explore Week Six →