Astoria, Or
Day 36
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Backtracking a bit to Oregon, I find myself in the quaint little town of Astoria. Although, a few years late to visit my friends, Jeff & Sonja, who have transplanted themselves over to Europe. However, I was lucky enough to find an amazing host who was kind enough to take a chance on me. In waiting to meet up with her, I explored some of the towns not-so-famous haunts.

Merry Time Restaurant & Lounge
Astoria, Or
Day 36 – June 27, 2018 ∙ 6:56pm
So, I meet my lovely host, play a little trivia, and then the most bizarro thing happens. I hear a voice, “Dean?” A little context, I rent the spare bedrooms in my house to strangers on the internet. Well, in doing so I chat with many that don’t eventually come to live with me for various reasons. So back to the questioning voice, it’s totally someone who was going to join me in my humble abode in Southern California but ended up not. She had instead moved to Astoria, where we found ourselves in the same bar, at the same time, and she recognized me!
Merry Time Restaurant & Lounge
Astoria, Or
Day 36 – June 27, 2018 ∙ 6:56pm
So, I meet my lovely host, play a little trivia, and then the most bizarro thing happens. I hear a voice, “Dean?” A little context, I rent the spare bedrooms in my house to strangers on the internet. Well, in doing so I chat with many that don’t eventually come to live with me for various reasons. So back to the questioning voice, it’s totally someone who was going to join me in my humble abode in Southern California but ended up not. She had instead moved to Astoria, where we found ourselves in the same bar, at the same time, and she recognized me!
Cannon Beach, Or
Day 37
Thursday, June 28, 2018
There is something about an almost shared universal experience that bonds people together. When I say, “Hey you guuuys!” or “He slimed me.” or “E.T. phone home.” And you were a child when these were first uttered, you’re part of a specific generation. But also a generation that is one of the last of its kind. Because soon after, we were easily able to relive past generation’s culture, and the internet has made that even easier. With bringing back past content and so much new content comparably, generational experiences have begun to blur, blend, and get muddled. That all said, it was a blast to visit a landmark from my generation. It is an amazingly beautiful area and cannot wait to return.

Ecola State Park Road
Cannon Beach, Or
Day 37 – June 28, 2018 ∙ 4:46pm
An amazing road.
FUN FACT: The area was originally named ‘Ecola Creek’ after Ehkoli, a Chinook word for “whale.” Then in 1846, a cannon from the USS Shark, a Navy schooner, mysteriously washed ashore. Then a short 76 years later in 1922, for some reason, that cannon inspired the town to change its name.
Fort Stevens State Park
Hammond, Or
Day 37 – June 28, 2018 ∙ 5:42pm
There seems to be a lot of boats sinking around these parts.
FUN FACT: The shipwreck of Peter Iredale was a four-masted steel barque sailing vessel that ran ashore in 1906. Aboard were two stowaways, who may or may not have been undercover pirates.
Fort Stevens State Park
Hammond, Or
Day 37 – June 28, 2018 ∙ 5:42pm
It’s not often we’re in the presence of something so visibly and slowly eroding away. It once again reminded me of the temporariness of life. That this used to be a brand-new ship, full of potential, opportunities, adventures. And now it stands in memorial and what little of this ship remains will one day be gone, as will all things.
Ecola State Park Road
Cannon Beach, Or
Day 37 – June 28, 2018 ∙ 4:46pm
An amazing road.
FUN FACT: The area was originally named ‘Ecola Creek’ after Ehkoli, a Chinook word for “whale.” Then in 1846, a cannon from the USS Shark, a Navy schooner, mysteriously washed ashore. Then a short 76 years later in 1922, for some reason, that cannon inspired the town to change its name.
Fort Stevens State Park
Hammond, Or
Day 37 – June 28, 2018 ∙ 5:42pm
There seems to be a lot of boats sinking around these parts.
FUN FACT: The shipwreck of Peter Iredale was a four-masted steel barque sailing vessel that ran ashore in 1906. Aboard were two stowaways, who may or may not have been undercover pirates.
Fort Stevens State Park
Hammond, Or
Day 37 – June 28, 2018 ∙ 5:42pm
It’s not often we’re in the presence of something so visibly and slowly eroding away. It once again reminded me of the temporariness of life. That this used to be a brand-new ship, full of potential, opportunities, adventures. And now it stands in memorial and what little of this ship remains will one day be gone, as will all things.
Seattle, Wa
Day 38
Friday, June 29, 2018
I had made a tough decision to not spend the next few days exploring, hiking, and riding the gargantuan Olympia National Park. It wasn’t an easy choice, but I didn’t feel properly prepared and my back was still twitching. If I abandon this National Park, I could be in Canada by the end of the month and there are a few more National Parks on the back half of this journey.
So, after one day, Seattle seemed fine, maybe, I guess. I haven’t connected with it like other cities. And by the end of the day, I felt that same aloneness creeping back in that I experienced in Santa Cruz. Perhaps this thing call homesickness is rearing its ugly head. Time will tell.

Bill Speidel's Underground Tour
Seattle, Wa
Day 38 – June 29, 2018 ∙ 4:30pm
FUN FACT: The Seattle Underground is a network of underground passageways and basements that were at ground level when the city was built in the mid-19th century. Around the turn of the century, the streets were raised and the ground level became underground, mostly abandoned. Mostly. 😶
Pike Place Market
Seattle, Wa
Day 45 – June 29, 2018 ∙ 6:00pm
n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, pike place market photos, worries, and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.
Pier 58
Seattle, Wa
Day 38 – June 29, 2018 ∙ 6:24pm
I was armed with a strong sense of the history as I wandered alone around downtown and Waterfront Park. A home is someplace you are actively making history. Putting down roots, as they say. When I sat here watching the strangers go by, I felt a bit like an interloper. I am rootless here. A tourist. I wasn’t making history. I had a twinge of that feeling I had in Santa Cruz. Aloneness. And a slight tug towards home.
Bill Speidel's Underground Tour
Seattle, Wa
Day 38 – June 29, 2018 ∙ 4:30pm
FUN FACT: The Seattle Underground is a network of underground passageways and basements that were at ground level when the city was built in the mid-19th century. Around the turn of the century, the streets were raised and the ground level became underground, mostly abandoned. Mostly. 😶
Pier 58
Seattle, Wa
Day 38 – June 29, 2018 ∙ 6:24pm
I was armed with a strong sense of the history as I wandered alone around downtown and Waterfront Park. A home is someplace you are actively making history. Putting down roots, as they say. When I sat here watching the strangers go by, I felt a bit like an interloper. I am rootless here. A tourist. I wasn’t making history. I had a twinge of that feeling I had in Santa Cruz. Aloneness. And a slight tug towards home.
Seattle, Wa
Day 39
Saturday, June 30, 2018
I decided to move on to Canada tomorrow. So, one more day exploring this not-very-rainy, rainy city. It was a beautiful day and I rode my bike around the city, to a brewery, and to grab some food after. But there was something about my time here that felt off. It most definitely could be me, or just bad luck connecting with people. So, after dinner, I decided to hit up a super popular bar and it lived up to the hype. Everything about it was amazing, the ambiance, the cocktails, and I even managed to rope some rad strangers into great conversations.

Optimism Brewing Company
Seattle, Wa
Day 39 – June 30, 2018 ∙ 2:15 pm
After a quick bite at Starbucks, I felt I needed to go out and be more social. So, of course, I sought out a nice brewery with people I could bug with conversation. And what better name for one than Optimism? Oh. Hey look, a Block Party Festival!
Drinking: One London Standard Ale, Daredevil Hoppy Red Ale.
Ikina Sushi
Seattle, Wa
Day 39 – June 30, 2018 ∙
Decided to treat myself to some amazing sushi.
FUN FACT: The word “sushi” actually refers to the rice that is used when preparing these dishes, which means that as long as there is vinegared rice, it does not have to contain fish for it to be considered genuine sushi. Sushi also started out as cheap street food for the dirty peasants.
Seattle, Wa
Day 39 – June 30, 2018 ∙ 8:12pm
More than one local told me I had to have a drink here. And the enormous line attested to its popularity, but as a single, I was quickly let in and easily found a seat at the bar. Now, the super creative cocktails were not cheap, but 100% worth it. Canon rides that fine line of classic and kitschy. They have beautifully crafted cocktails, ones that are served in an NES Legend of Zelda cartridge, ones that are on fire and smoked infused right in front of you, ones that come in a large crystal skull, and so many more. It’s super fun. And had great conversations with the peeps around me. Highly recommended.
Lacey, Wa
Day 32 – June 23, 2018 ∙ 12:32pm
After a drive, it was nice to see one of my oldest friends who has agreed to let me occupy his couch for the next few nights. He also just happens to have converted his garage into an arcade-driven man cave with beers on tap. No other check-ins will be needed on this day.
Vancouver, BC
Day 40
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Goodbye USA, hello Canada! After a minor incident at the border, I was officially a Canadian! And wow! Look at all those Canadian flags. Canadians are way more patriotic than I would have thought. I began, like I do, at a brewery, time to make friends with these most friendliest neighbors! Well, the first place was a bust, but then! I met an amazing couple and bounced around with them all day! It was so great, especially after my funk of the last few days. They also explained to me that today, the 1st of July, is like their Independence Day, hence all the flags. They got a good laugh out of my ignorance.

Canada Border Peace Arch Point of Entry
Blaine, Wa
Day 40 – July 1, 2018 ∙ 3:16pm
“Where are you staying in Canada!?” Yeah, I was questioned at length. And of course, I still had no idea who was hosting me, nor an address where I was staying. So, with that and the amount of supplies I had in the back of the Rav4, I seemed rather suspicious. “Do you have any weapons?” Nope. Totally forgetting about the 18-inch-long machete right under my seat and the pocket knife literally in my pocket. However, once we got around to me owning property in California, they relaxed. I was told they had an immigration problem, US residents were visiting and not leaving! They waved me through! Hello Canada!
Main Street Brewing Co
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 40 – July 1, 2018 ∙ 5:15pm
Walked over here, sat down at the bar, and my whole night changed. I started chatting up this rad young couple. They were in the city on…a brewery tour! We talked some more and they eventually told me I should join them at the next stop.
Drinking: That’s the Way Rustic Farmhouse Ale, Curveball Sour.
Electric Bicycle Brewing
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 40 – July 1, 2018 ∙ 6:45pm
The next stop was RAD. The most creative brewery yet! It was wacky, partly 1980s video game-themed, and the decor was utterly fantastic. And by far, the most unique beers thus far.
Frosty Mugs Brown Ale: If a root beer and black licorice had a mutant baby and it was liquified and carbonated.
Aloha Amigo Pineapple Juice Radler: If a pineapple had seduced a pale ale and gave birth to a supermodel.
Dig Dug Beet Juice Ale: If beet juice had transported itself but there was a bit of earthy yeast in there with him. And the resulting mixed DNA creature that emerged was a complete idiot.
Coopers’ Park
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 40 – July 1, 2018 ∙ 11:43pm
Crap. Where am I sleeping tonight? I checked my messages: Luis, a couch surfing host, messaged saying he lives Downtown, but would not be back until almost 1am. I was saved. My new Canadian friends and I wandered around with me until I left to meet him. At one point we came across this odd sculpture.
Jerry Pethick “Time Top” Bronze Art Sculpture. 2006
It’s like a 1940s-style spaceship had crashed in the ocean and decades later washed up on the shore.
Canada Border Peace Arch Point of Entry
Blaine, Wa
Day 40 – July 1, 2018 ∙ 3:16pm
“Where are you staying in Canada!?” Yeah, I was questioned at length. And of course, I still had no idea who was hosting me, nor an address where I was staying. So, with that and the amount of supplies I had in the back of the Rav4, I seemed rather suspicious. “Do you have any weapons?” Nope. Totally forgetting about the 18-inch-long machete right under my seat and the pocket knife literally in my pocket. However, once we got around to me owning property in California, they relaxed. I was told they had an immigration problem, US residents were visiting and not leaving! They waved me through! Hello Canada!
Main Street Brewing Co
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 40 – July 1, 2018 ∙ 5:15pm
Walked over here, sat down at the bar, and my whole night changed. I started chatting up this rad young couple. They were in the city on…a brewery tour! We talked some more and they eventually told me I should join them at the next stop.
Drinking: That’s the Way Rustic Farmhouse Ale, Curveball Sour.
Electric Bicycle Brewing
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 40 – July 1, 2018 ∙ 6:45pm
The next stop was RAD. The most creative brewery yet! It was wacky, partly 1980s video game-themed, and the decor was utterly fantastic. And by far, the most unique beers thus far.
Frosty Mugs Brown Ale: If a root beer and black licorice had a mutant baby and it was liquified and carbonated.
Aloha Amigo Pineapple Juice Radler: If a pineapple had seduced a pale ale and gave birth to a supermodel.
Dig Dug Beet Juice Ale: If beet juice had transported itself but there was a bit of earthy yeast in there with him. And the resulting mixed DNA creature that emerged was a complete idiot.
Coopers’ Park
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 40 – July 1, 2018 ∙ 11:43pm
Crap. Where am I sleeping tonight? I checked my messages: Luis, a couch surfing host, messaged saying he lives Downtown, but would not be back until almost 1am. I was saved. My new Canadian friends and I wandered around with me until I left to meet him. At one point we came across this odd sculpture.
Jerry Pethick “Time Top” Bronze Art Sculpture. 2006
It’s like a 1940s-style spaceship had crashed in the ocean and decades later washed up on the shore.
Vancouver, BC
Day 41
Monday, July 2, 2018
Time to explore some Canadian nature! But first, I had to wander through downtown to reclaim my vehicle. I then grabbed some breakfast and headed to the large patch of green on my map. I biked and hiked all of the greenery, unfortunately, it was pretty crowded, but a ton of fun nonetheless. Then, I capped off my day with sushi and a beach walk with my new Canadian host Izzy, who is in fact, German!

Colony Bar Main Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 41 – July 2, 2018 ∙ 9:40am
A little sleep-deprived, slightly hungover, I wander the streets of Downtown Vancouver until I find my way to my car that I parked in front of 33 Acres. Starving, I find the nearest place that had decent food ratings. It was a bar. The food was decent.
Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 41 – July 2, 2018 ∙ 11:55am
Full of decent food, it was nature time! I hiked some trails, traversed suspension bridges, marveled at waterfalls, and met some wonderful peepazoids. One of them that I had a great conversation with was
Jonathan Paine, a 3D Character Artist for Pixar, DreamWorks, and others. Rad guy.
Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 41 – July 2, 2018 ∙ 12:15pm
There was a contingent of peeps stacking rocks using their magical powers to make them unnaturally stick together.
FUN FACT: The stability of a rock structure depends on the location of each rock's center of mass in relation to its support points while also affected by the friction between rocks which add forces, due to weight that plays a pivotal role. Also, many believe these stacks disturb the natural look and feel of nature. And that it affects the beloved creatures in a place that should be left alone without the markings of man corrupting the beauty of nature.
Colony Bar Main Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 41 – July 2, 2018 ∙ 9:40am
A little sleep-deprived, slightly hungover, I wander the streets of Downtown Vancouver until I find my way to my car that I parked in front of 33 Acres. Starving, I find the nearest place that had decent food ratings. It was a bar. The food was decent.
Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 41 – July 2, 2018 ∙ 11:55am
Full of decent food, it was nature time! I hiked some trails, traversed suspension bridges, marveled at waterfalls, and met some wonderful peepazoids. One of them that I had a great conversation with was
Jonathan Paine, a 3D Character Artist for Pixar, DreamWorks, and others. Rad guy.
Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 41 – July 2, 2018 ∙ 12:15pm
There was a contingent of peeps stacking rocks using their magical powers to make them unnaturally stick together.
FUN FACT: The stability of a rock structure depends on the location of each rock's center of mass in relation to its support points while also affected by the friction between rocks which add forces, due to weight that plays a pivotal role. Also, many believe these stacks disturb the natural look and feel of nature. And that it affects the beloved creatures in a place that should be left alone without the markings of man corrupting the beauty of nature.
Vancouver, BC
Day 42
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
After a nice breakfast, I biked and hiked all afternoon, exploring all Stanley Park has to offer. Totem poles, an eerie lily pond (lake), second and third beaches, a dude who turned into a rock, a small 3500-rose rose garden, unknown creatures rustling in the bushes, and a nice bar and grill. Ending the day hanging out with Izzy again, this time at a beautiful spot on the water north of Vancouver.
The next leg of my trip is huge. An almost 9-hour drive to Jasper, then to Banff. Perhaps split into multiple days. Probably a lot of camping in between. Something about it nags at me.

Stanley Park Reserve
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 42 – July 3, 2018 ∙ 2:30pm
Everything was great. Then I came upon this giant, tranquil lily pond (Beaver Lake). For some reason, it freaked me out. I mean what creatures lurk in these still, dark waters?
FUN FACTS: Beavers lurk in the still, dark waters of Beaver Lake. Also, Stanley Park is bigger than New York’s Central Park! Suck it America!
Stanley's Bar and Grill
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 42 – July 3, 2018 ∙ 3:30pm
I stumbled upon this restaurant in the middle of the park. I sat on the patio on one of the most beautiful days sipping a nice Blackberry Bourbon Ale. The whole experience was amazingly tranquil. I didn’t explore enough of this place, I definitely will be back. I highly recommend visiting and spending a day or more here. Cheers to a great day and to a fantastic park!
Whytecliff Lookout Point
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 42 – July 3, 2018 ∙ 9:27pm
Izzy is magical. She was the perfect host. During our time together we had some deep and meaningful talks. On her suggestion, we traveled north to the small, yet amazing Whytecliff Park. As the sun set on the day, I felt the sun setting on a part of my journey. I have no friends on the back half of this trip. And there was a lot of alone time ahead of me. As I sat pondering on a precipice, I looked out over the water. To the north lay unknown, open waters, the other half of my trip begging to be explored. And the south, a small island, and many miles away, home.
Stanley Park Reserve
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 42 – July 3, 2018 ∙ 2:30pm
Everything was great. Then I came upon this giant, tranquil lily pond (Beaver Lake). For some reason, it freaked me out. I mean what creatures lurk in these still, dark waters?
FUN FACTS: Beavers lurk in the still, dark waters of Beaver Lake. Also, Stanley Park is bigger than New York’s Central Park! Suck it America!
Stanley's Bar and Grill
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 42 – July 3, 2018 ∙ 3:30pm
I stumbled upon this restaurant in the middle of the park. I sat on the patio on one of the most beautiful days sipping a nice Blackberry Bourbon Ale. The whole experience was amazingly tranquil. I didn’t explore enough of this place, I definitely will be back. I highly recommend visiting and spending a day or more here. Cheers to a great day and to a fantastic park!
Whytecliff Lookout Point
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Day 42 – July 3, 2018 ∙ 9:27pm
Izzy is magical. She was the perfect host. During our time together we had some deep and meaningful talks. On her suggestion, we traveled north to the small, yet amazing Whytecliff Park. As the sun set on the day, I felt the sun setting on a part of my journey. I have no friends on the back half of this trip. And there was a lot of alone time ahead of me. As I sat pondering on a precipice, I looked out over the water. To the north lay unknown, open waters, the other half of my trip begging to be explored. And the south, a small island, and many miles away, home.
Next Week on Dean Runs Away!
At a crossroads! An isolating next week looms in the Great White North! While comfort and familiarity beckon him back home! What will Dean do!? Where will he go? A decision that will impact his life for years to come. But more importantly, what will be the fate of this pizza?!
Continue the adventure into Week Seven to find out!