Throughout the years I have become more and more health-conscious. I rarely drink sodas, fast food is limited to the occasional In-N-Out Burger, and I’m working out more than I ever have. My nemesis in my quest for superior constitution however has always been discovering a way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet. Well, serendipity came knocking on my door New Year’s Eve and dropped an electric juice extractor in my lap. The Bunnicula inside of me awakened.

Experimenting with the juicer has been an adventure; I must say, fresh apple-orange juice with a splash of ginger is nothing short of phenomenal! Besides feeling better, the greatest benefit is that juicing has really forced me to dive headlong into the produce section of the grocery store like a spaceman exploring a new, exotic, green planet. Strange new foods are suddenly being injected into my life, kale, collard greens, and beets. They all await the plunge down the shoot to be blasted into juice, however, now that these items have sneaked into my home, I have found myself actively searching out recipes for these refreshingly bizarre ingredients.

Feeling a little guilty bleeding these fruits and vegetables of their essence, I decided to give them the spotlight for this week’s creative thing. Personifying broccoli and other produce to express their outrage over being slaughtered for my benefit, seemed fitting. They were to be protesting the cruelty against fruits and vegetables, holding picketing signs and perhaps even staging an Occupy Dean’s Kitchen event. However, I just so happened to have made some juice before they got too organized, told them it was made from blended bugs and insects, called it Soylent Green and left some out for them. They loved it. A little while later I managed to capture the perfect photo. Enjoy!

A big thanks to Terry Border and his Bent Objects for the inspiration! And check out my friend Charlie’s Blog, The B-Roll, for his take on this idea.


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