I’ve started a book club! It was my first collaborative project and was a lot of fun! We chose all our books in advance and met at my house for a mini-party where we brought foodstuff in theme with that month’s book. Oh, and we also sat around and each chatted about what we thought of the reading. I eventually wrote my thoughts down here!

Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency

Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is absurd, smart and hilarious. It’s this absurdity that I really found lacking in his first Dirk Gently book. It’s not absent by a long shot, just sub-par.

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God Is Dead

Ron Currie Jr’s novel didn’t put me to sleep or kill me. But this book was like if you took the lunacy, silliness, and fun out of a Vonnegut novel, added some watered-down Cormac McCarthy, and poured it into a glass marked ‘unremarkable’.

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Breakfast of Champions

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. knocked on my door. A door was a temporary barrier between two universes. When Kurt entered my universe he sat in my chair. It’s a chair that reminded me of one my paternal grandfather used to sit on.

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When he gets home he reacquaints himself with the reasons he has admitted the strange dark creature into his house into his heart into his mind and once he finishes that last page he sits alone on his couch and stares off.

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The Devil in the White City

Welcome to Erik Larson's novel, a work of fiction that is not a work of fiction but is sometimes a work of fiction.

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The Absolute Sandman, Vol. 1

Neil Gaiman's Sandman with Illustrators Sam Kieth & Colleen Doran is F’n brilliant! Lovecraftian horror and kitten dreams! Wooo!

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Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls

Does there come a day in every person’s life when they look around and says to themselves, I have to see if other continents actually exist? 

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Outer Dark

Before him stretched a spectral waste out of which reared only the naked words in a landscape barren of say a quote or many of its ilk.

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There are people who are destined to live a life ignorant of the taste of a great scotch, of betrayal, and of beautiful works of literature. For those others, we live a deeper more painful existence. Understanding we are doomed to our limited visions, our finely honed points of view, divergent from another. We must seek to see with the eyes of our fellow pilgrims if we are to glimpse even a sliver of reality.

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Small Gods

Now consider the book and its reader. The book, a non-sentient object, floats around the planet with the help of other creatures. Between floatings, it can be stationary for many turns of the sun. Within it holds the thoughts of a person wishing to transplant those thoughts into the mind of another, for various reasons.

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